Thursday, May 22, 2008

BioHazard is back

I will be releasing new re-writes of chapters 1-5 with a lot more content. And to accompany the new chapters will be lots of character Illustrations. Check out the prologue which will show whats to come.


This is being written for future generations to know and see what occurred here.

No one remembers exactly where they came from,but one thing was sure they were relentless and unmatched. Toppling mankind's once great civilization and using its greatest weapons against them. The great nations of the past fought valiantly, but never stood a chance against their strength and technology. Enemies and allies alike united to fight for a far greater purposes then land and money, but for the very existence of their species, but it was all for not the Invaders ravaged the cities, towns, and farmland a like. Man fought with great valor but with every battle more were lost. So they took shelter into the earth herself, creating great cities underground. Here mankind takes refuge in hopes of fighting back against the domination of the Invaders.

What was once Europe was hit the hardest and is known to be the main operation of the Interlopers. I am located in what now is called U.R.A, or the United Rebels of the Americas. All across this hemisphere there are underground cities which are guarded by soldiers who fight everyday, to keep us safe, but with every battle we become weaker and lose more and more faith, but I have faith, faith in this project, faith in mankind rising again and taking back whats ours. These Invaders underestimate us. I will show them what human kind is capable of. Its greatest technology and greatest minds. This is Operation BioHazard, and it is mankind's last hope.

In other news heres an awesome Batman widget, Im telling you July cant come soon enough.

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