So they brought back John Stewart this year despite his failure of a couple of years ago, nice to say that he topped the fail that was last year, the jokes were bland and he couldn't help but to sneak in and out of political humor. I really wished Ellen was back I thought she did a magnificent job hosting last year, but I assure you this is the last time we see Stewart helming the show.
Now for the important part, the winners of course some great suprises and some not so great ones. Diablo Cody taking the best original screenplay nomination was great , classic example of why this country is amazing this girl goes from stripper to academy award winning screenplay writer for the film Juno which was the underdog in every category.
The Bourne Ultimatum sweeping most the technical awards such as
Best Editing
Best Sound Editing
Best Sound Design
Rattatoille won best animated full length feature as predicted, brad bird winning his second Oscar, quite a character he is.
Sweeny todd takes best art direction, which i guess is fine it was a very good looking movie, but what isn't fine is Golden Compass taking best visual effects beating out both transformers and PotC at worlds end.
La Vie en Rose a movie ihave never seen won 2 for best Actress and Best makeup. Once which is highly recommended by many has won best original song despite enchnted having 3 songs in that category, there was a great moment when Marketa Irglova was cut off by the music and didn't get a speech, so after the break they brought her back in, the classiest thing all night.
Atonement won for best original score as if not to go home empty handed, also Elizabeth the golden age winning for best costume and winners for supporting roles were Tilda Swinton for Michael clayton, she is a great actress and very creepy and Javier Bardem for no country for old men, he was great in this role.
As for best actor in a leading role Daniel Day lewis took it for there will be blood, no one else stood a chance Lewis was amazing in this and every role hes in, he truly is one the greatest method actors of our day. There will be blood also went home with best Cinematography.
But the big story of course is the Coen brothers sweep of all the major categories, Best adapted screenplay, directing, and movie of the year for No country for old men. These men shit gold, with past Oscar winners like Fargo and Oh Brother where art thou, no country for old men does not disappoint.
Overall it was bland and predictable and most likely a rushed job due to mainly because of the strike just ending and disappointing for the 80th anniversary, too many fucking montages and the musical numbers were very painful. Well heres to next year.
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